Epic's Big Brother Wiki

Brandon is a Houseguest on the first and second seasons of Epic's Big Brother. In season one, he came in 10th place becoming the second member of the jury. In season two, he was placed on the Offbeats clique coached by Nate, his worst enemy who he despised from season one.

Epic's Big Brother 1
Place 10th
Votes Against 9
HOHs 0
Nominations 3 (Weeks 2, 3, and 5)
Vetos 1 (Week 3)
Currently Jury Member
Epic's Big Brother 2
Place N/A
Votes Against 0
HOHs 0
Nominations 1
Vetos 0
Currently Competing


Brandon grew up in an orphanage and never really knew his name, but when he was finally adopted his new parents called him Lucky because he was so lucky. Brandon is 14 and currently works at his family catering business. He wants to win Epic's Big Brother 1 and show the world his skills. He placed in tenth place respectively making the jury. Brandon recently was selected to compete in Epic's Big Brother 2. He wants to prove this time that he isn't so arrogant as he acted.

Player History - Epic's Big Brother 1[]

Competition History[]

Week 1 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 2 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 3 HOH Loss
POV Loss
HOH Loss
Week 4 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 5 HOH Loss
POV Loss
HOH Loss
POV Loss

MVP History[]

Week 1 Loss
Week 2 Loss
Week 3 Loss
Week 4 Loss
Week 5 Loss
MVP Phase Over

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Voter Nate No (9-2-1)
2 Voter Bruno Yes (7-2-2)
Nominated -- -- (7-2)
3 Nominated -- -- (4-3)
POV Holder Duke Yes (4-2)
4 Vetoed Nate No (4-2-1)
5 Voter Gerard Yes (4-3-1)
Nominated -- -- (4-1)
Finale Jury Member Fire Yes (7-2)

Usage of Power History[]

Week 3
POV Used (Fanny)

Player History - Epic's Big Brother 2[]

Competition History[]

Week 1 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 2 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 3 HOH Loss

Clique History[]

Week 1 Loss
Week 2 Loss
Week 3 Loss

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Voter Duke Yes (11-1)
2 Voter Reddy Yes (5-2)
Nominated -- -- (Nominations Void)
3 N/A N/A N/A

Usage of Power History[]
